Face Your Weaknesses to Find Your Strength
What is the fight or flight syndrome? When our brain interprets a situation and tells us that we are in danger and we have two choices, either to stand and fight or to flee from danger, that is known as the fight or flight syndrome.
What does this have to do with our weaknesses? Well, when we take a good hard look at weaknesses, we may see fear underlying many of them. On many occasions, that fear is what makes us flee and opt for the flight syndrome. However, there are ways we can overcome fear and even turn our weaknesses into our biggest strengths.
Overcoming Fear
Sometimes the only way to overcome a fear is to face it head on; however, this can be daunting and even frightening at first. However, if you take small steps in the beginning, see, and recognize your small successes, chances are you will go on to bigger and better things.
Overcoming fear is one way to face your weaknesses to find your strength.
Take Inventory
If you have areas, like we all do, that you would like to improve upon, then you should definitely take inventory of where you feel you are lacking and what your strengths are, as well.
For example, if you are weak in networking and social gatherings, you may want to look at some videos, take a class or attend a seminar on the subject. You do not need to spend countless hours on therapy in order to identify your weaknesses. You just need to look within and find the answers that you know are already there.
Once you have identified your weak areas, now it is time to take action.
Take Action
Another great way to face your weaknesses to find your strength is to take action. Taking action means that you take those areas that you have identified and taken action in each one of them. Now, you don’t have to take action in all areas at the same time as that may be too much at once.
Start with one small area and when you have finished working on that area, move on to another area. Let’s say for example, you are weak in public speaking. Take a class, watch a video, read a book, talk to a professional and you will see that you will begin to feel more empowered right away.
After all, knowledge is power and when you take action you give yourself the ability to minimize your weaknesses and enhance your power.
Take an Inside Out View
Sometimes your strongest suits are the ones where your weakest areas live. For example, if you always disliked the fact that you were quiet, shy, and withdrawn, perhaps you have a creative side that simply needs an outlet.
If you look at your weak sides and find a way to turn them inside out and turn them into your strong suits, you will find success was there all along.
This article originally appeared here: https://www.socialana.com/face-your-weaknesses-to-find-your-strength/